Dr. Christian M. Meyer

(Wernher von Braun)

Research is what I’m doing

when I don’t know what I’m doing.

Research Interests

  • Intelligent Information Systems
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Lexical Resources and Databases
  • Interactive learning approaches
  • Educational Computer Science
  • Collaborative Lexicography
  • Inter-rater Agreement



I publish in major international conferences and journals and foster reproducible science by publishing research data and code whenever possible.

Five selected publications:

Research Projects

I have vast experience in writing grant proposals and managing research projects. I have been a principal investi­gator in a research training group, the research manager of a BMBF-funded project and an industry coopera­tion, and co-applicant of an EU-funded COST Action.

Professional Activities

I am reviewing for top-tier conferences and journals (*ACL, EMNLP, AAAI, WWW, TWEB, etc.) and a member of multiple academic networks and associations. Ini 2013, I have been local chair of an international conference with over 200 participants.


I have been engaged in university teaching between 2010 and 2019. Starting from 2016, I continually gave my own lectures on infor­mation management and language technology as part of a lectureship (“Lehrauftrag”). In 2016 and 2017, my lectures received the best evaluation awards of the Computer Science department. Since 2018, I hold the “Zertifikat Hochschullehre” (certificate for university teaching).

Public Outreach

A WordArt of my research topics

A WordArt created from some of my publications.


Google Scholar DBLP profile ACL Anthology ArXiv profile Semantic Scholar Microsoft Academic Arnetminer profile
Publication profiles.