Dr. Christian M. Meyer

Variation of motifs

in complex networks and its impact on the information processing capacity

Christian M. Meyer:
Motivvariation in komplexen Netzwerken und ihre Auswirkung auf den Informationsgehalt [Variation of motifs in complex networks and its impact on the in­for­ma­tion processing capacity]. Bachelor Thesis, Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Darmstadt, August 2006.


author = {Meyer, Christian M.},

title = {{Motivvariation in komplexen Netzwerken und ihre Auswirkung auf den Informationsgehalt}},

type = {Bachelor Thesis},

school = {Technische Universität Darmstadt},

month = {August},

year = {2006},

language = {German},

pdf = {https://chmeyer.de/research/publications/bachelor-thesis/pdf/},

url = {https://chmeyer.de/research/publications/bachelor-thesis/}


Scatter plot of the information processing capacity of a scale-free network whose network motifs are varied.
Scatter plot of the information processing capacity of a scale-free network whose network motifs are varied.